Authentic Original Art

Spice Up Your Decor With Authentic Art By Kam  
About Kam imageAbout Kam imageAbout Kam image
At KAM paintings we deliver exciting art for your walls. With many other artist available and art to buy, why choose us?
We are a small company and take pride in the number of clients who are referred to us by previous customers. With over 20 years experience we ensure that you get the value and style you are looking for.

Our mission is to produce world-class quality service to our clients looking for quality art.


Stay in contact, ask a question, see what's new!

What about price, great question. Because many paintings will be custom in size and the subject matter will be different for each painting, seeing your picture will be important. Email us an image or question us about your custom painting. "We will do my best to give you an accurate and fair quote." The 9"X12" doggie portraits run about $500. The important thing is to go forward if the image is precious to you.
How long does it take to paint a custom painting? The size and subject will determine how long it will take. Also, the style. If this is a "life-like" painting, typically, it will take as long as the artist can get it to look real for you - it may take one or two months. If the painting is a graphic, or perhaps a design, the time to produce is less because the detail is less - perhaps, as quick as 2 weeks. "We would love to see your image and be a part of your planning."
Yes, art is an investment. When you own an original work of art, it has more value than a reproduction or a copy. With an oil painting, the material is of the highest qualities. The durable canvas is coated with a substance allowing the use of oil paint. It is permanent and last the hands of time. "If you love it, you will enjoy a custom oil painting. Each day, you will live with the painting and it is a part of your life." As time goes by, your painting will increase in value. Especially if the work is detailed and beautiful.
"If you love it, you should have an original painting!"

We can help you attain your custom painting. We work with you and show you a mock-up on a smaller scale to preview it before you fully decide. "We love strong color and shapes yet capable of duplicating work on the finest restorations."

* Having well over 20 years experience in the professional image world and national awards in photography, we would love to help you attain your oil painting treasure.
  •  12/1/2022 09:00 AM - 2/1/2023 09:00 AM
  •   Gainesville Library - Downtown Gainesville, Mo. 65655. Open 9-12 noon, Monday til 3:30, closed on Thursday.

This Winter, swing by the Gainesville Library, Mo. 65655. Several original paintings will be on display having bright colors & shapes. *GET YOUR FREE POSTER OF THE COUGAR PAINTING! Contact KAM - www.kampaintings.com. Or call 1-208-866-0815

  •  9/23/2020 12:00 PM
  •   Shelter Insurance Lobby - Downtown Gainesville, Mo. 65655

This Fall swing by Shelters in Gainesville, Mo. 65655. Four original paintings on display for your viewing. Contact KAM - www.kampaintings.com. Or call 1-208-866-0815

  •  6/5/2019 12:00 AM
  •   On the square in Gainesville, Mo. 65655

The magnificent Cougar painting will win you over!

  • PO Box 314 - Gainesville, Mo 65655 - 9am to 5 pm. Calls returned within 24 hours.
  • PO Box 1195 - Meridian, Id 83680 - 9am to 5 pm. Calls returned within 24 hours.